Revised definition of ‘safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children’ to align with the 2023 "Working Together to Safeguard Children" guidance.
Further details on situations where children may need early help, in line with the "Working Together" guidance.
School staff, Governors, and Trustees are to refer to the DfE Data Protection guidance for Schools to better understand data protection responsibilities.
Schools remain responsible for safeguarding pupils placed with an alternative provision provider.
The term 'abuse and neglect' has been updated throughout the document to 'abuse, neglect, and exploitation.'
The term 'deliberately missing education' has been replaced with 'unexplainable and/or persistent absences from education'.
Schools, Trusts and Colleges should now undertake the following steps to ensure they adhere to the new statutory guidance in order to maintain robust compliance and effective safeguarding practices:
Ensure your Child Protection, Safeguarding and other related policies are updated to reflect the changes to KCSIE 2024.
Ensure all staff are updated on the changes to KCSIE as part of their mandatory training.
Consider any further safeguarding related training that may be required to support implementing any of the changes.
Conduct an internal review of current safeguarding practices, including safer recruitment to ensure they align with the new guidance.
Update your Trustees and Governors on the changes made and the steps your School/Trust/College are taking to ensure continued compliance.
By implementing these measures, Schools, Trusts and Colleges will ensure continued compliance with their statutory responsibilities. Should you require any advice regarding implementing the above, email us at for a confidential chat about how Edwin People can support your School or Trust.